Include a Gift to Rohuna in Your Will
Leaving a legacy gift to Rohuna is one of the best ways to have a lasting impact on the perpetual care of the Garden and to set something wonderful in motion for generations to come.

Please consider joining Umberto Pasti and numerous acquaintances and friends in supporting the ongoing vitality of this important asset of Morocco via a bequest. All those who have pledged a legacy are invited to join the Rohuna Garden Legacy Society (RGLS) and will be invited to a special supporters event each year.
It’s easy to do. You may update your will in whole, or simply include a codicil to your will naming Rohuna as a beneficiary - either as a percentage of the value of your estate or for a specific sum.
Your gift may be restricted – that is, to support a specific element of the Garden’s work. Or, it may be unrestricted, to be applied where the need is greatest.
Please let us know if you are considering leaving a gift. The more we know about your wishes, the better able we will be to honor your intentions in full when we receive your bequest.
Use this information when drafting your intentions:
Beneficiary: Garden Of Rohuna
Address: Rohuna, Sahel Chemali, Asilah
Phone: +212 660-318562
Thank you. Your legacy gift helps assure that the Garden will be appreciated by generations to come.